地區 | 深井 |
物業類別 | 住宅 (整間出租) 出租 |
住宅類別 | 其他 |
物業地址 | 香港錦上路元岡村 |
住房間隔 | 3房1廳 |
實用面積 | 實用面積 1400 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 10000 /月 |
按金 | 按金 10000 個月 |
租約期 | 24 個月 |
入住日期 | 隨時 |
租金包括 |
[村屋之選] 香港錦上路元岡新村3樓連天台, 車位 租屋位於香港錦上路元岡村,3房1廳,實用面積1400平方尺。連一個車位 整間出租,租金每月$10000,按金為10000個月租金。租金已包括大廈管理費用,水電、網絡則由租客自付。租約期24個月,隨時入住。住房內禁止吸煙、禁止養寵物、禁止孩子,租客性別不限。 住房內已包括空調、熱水爐、煮食爐等設備。 連一個車位,愛車人必選 3樓連天台, 天台700尺空氣清新,絕對岩哂大家庭及朋友合租, 村屋間隔方形, 客廳設有小陽台, 在香港這個急速的地方,都能夠感覺舒適同放鬆,三間房已有空調, 村口步行10分鐘, 有巴士{Sensitive info hidden}到錦上路地鐵站, 錦上路地鐵站到尖東站只需21分鐘. [The Best Choice of Kam Tin House ] B & B is located in Hong Kong Kam Sheung Road Yuan Gang Village, 3 rooms 1 hall, The Third Floor with Rooftop the practical area of 1,400 square feet. With a parking. The whole rent, rent $ 10,000 per month, deposit for 10,000 months rent. Rents have included building management fees, utilities, and networks are paid by tenants. Lease period of 24 months, at any time to stay. Smoking is prohibited in the room, no pets are allowed, children are prohibited, and the sex of the tenants is not limited. There are 700 Feets with three room and one living Room, its suitable a big family or Friend Sharings=] Also, there would be a balcony with Living Room, In the rapidly city of HongKong can feel relax & comfortable. Those three rooms have air conditioner, and one of toilet and kitchen. is the best choice who want to stay as a warm House. For Traffic, Walk for 7 Minutes to the bus stop, you can take a bus N.O: {Sensitive info hidden}to Kam Sheung Road Station around 10 Mins, From Kam Sheung Road Station to East Tsim Sha Tsui station, its take about 21mins Only.