39 ming yuen street
地區 | 北角 |
物業類別 | 住宅 (整間出租) 出租 |
住宅類別 | 其他 |
物業地址 | 39 ming yuen street |
住房間隔 | 5房1廳 |
實用面積 | 實用面積 80 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 3500 /月 |
按金 | 按金 1 個月 |
租約期 | 1 個月 |
入住日期 | 隨時 |
Kitchen utensils, washing machine, water heater, TV and unlimited wifi connection are all provided. The place is safe, secure and most importantly, well-furnished. Free Wi-Fi , Shared kitchen, toilet and laundry Available for Male Female Student and Couple. Only need to pay One month deposit Available for long and short terms