183 花園街
地區 | 太子 |
物業類別 | 住宅 (整間出租) 出租 |
住宅類別 | 其他 |
物業地址 | 183 花園街 |
住房間隔 | 3房1廳 |
實用面積 | 實用面積 399 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 16000 /月 |
按金 | 按金 3 個月 |
租約期 | 24 個月 |
入住日期 | 隨時 |
租金包括 |
租屋位於183 花園街,3房1廳,實用面積399平方尺。租屋交通方便,近巴士站、近火車站。附近有便利店、超市、商場、運動場、診所、餐廰等設施。 整間出租,租金每月$16000,按金為3個月租金。租金已包括大廈管理費用,水電、網絡則由租客自付。租約期24個月,隨時入住。住房內禁止吸煙、禁止養寵物、允許孩子,租客性別不限。 住房內已包括空調、熱水爐等設備。 The flat is located at 183 Fa Yuen Street, 3 bedrooms and 1 living rooms, sized 399 sq ft. Location is convenient, Buses nearby, Metro nearby. There are Convenient store, Supermarket, Shopping centre, Sports ground, Clinic, Restaurant nearby. Flat, monthly rent $16000, 3 months deposit. The rent has included Management fee. Tenant is responsible for Utility bill, Internet fee. The rental period is 24 months, move-in anytime. No smoking, No pets, Allow kids in this flat. No gender preference. This flat is provided with A/C, Water heater.