香港銅鑼灣百德新街 57 號海華大廈
Last update on 2019-08-28
District | Causeway Bay |
Property type | Studio For rent |
Flat type | Others |
Address | 香港銅鑼灣百德新街 57 號海華大廈 |
Sized | Sized 80 sq ft |
Others |
Rent | HKD 7500 /month |
Deposit | Deposit 1 months |
Rental period | 1 months |
Move-in | Now |
Rent included |
超大的雙人房間只需$7500, 實用面積達80平方呎。租金包括全套傢俬, 及大廈管理等雜費, 水電費 房間提供以下設施: - 4呎標準雙人床、床墊、被鋪 - 書桌及椅子 - 衣櫃 - 窗簾 3分鐘步行到鐵路站, 鄰近銅鑼灣港鐵站及主要商業和旅遊景點,舉步可達本港最熱鬧的購物、娛樂及商務中心。地處銅鑼灣旺中帶靜的一隅,住客可在享受安靜舒適住宿環境之同時,更可盡情飽覽維多利亞公園及維港美景。 Located in Causeway Bay, one of the main commercial districts in Hong Kong and nearby numbers of tourist attractions. The hotel is an oasis of tranquility at the edge of great shopping, business and cultural activities, with walking distance to the subway station.
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